We’re tickled PINK with Silver’s new ATR-600
June 7, 2019

We have anxiously awaited the FAA approval of Silver’s brand-new ATR-600 planes since the airline first landed at HSV in September of 2018– And when we heard they were finally coming, we couldn’t help ourselves… we had to be on the FIRST flight in.
I went to Silver’s website and booked a one-way ticket from MCO –> HSV. The ticket was $222.10, which included one carry-on, one personal item, and seat-selection. (Which is critical for me.. this girl has to have a window seat, amiright?!)
I hopped on a plane at HSV and flew down to Orlando. I wanted the ‘full experience’ of being a Silver passenger, so I spent the night at a local hotel and ventured back to the airport the next afternoon for my return flight home- taking in a little of that Florida sunshine.
I was about 3.5 hours early for my flight, which worked in my favor. There was no line at the Silver ticket counter, and the agent who checked me in was so pleasant, pointing me towards the security check point. (Note: At HSV, the ticket counter is only staffed 2 hours prior to a flight boarding, due to only one flight daily from HSV to MCO).
Now, I have to take a moment to admit… I do not have TSA Pre-check or Global Entry. It’s a downfall I’m embarrassed to admit, but alas here we are. Learn from my mistake and apply for it. This service will allow you to go through the Pre-check TSA line, which is much shorter. Pre-check doesn’t require you to remove your shoes, belt, etc.(While we’re on this subject, go head an apply for Global Entry- it’s only $15 more expensive than pre-check, but includes all of the same benefits while also getting you in and out of customs faster.) At HSV it’s not as big of a deal if you don’t have these services… but golly you should have seen the lines at MCO. *Yikes* Somehow the heavens knew of my massive oversight of preparedness, and I happened to enter the line as security was doing a sweep with the bomb dogs. Before I knew it, TSA had ushered me to the Pre-check line, and I was first- Score! Admittedly, I was slightly frazzled from getting all of my stuff and moving from one line to the next that I forgot my sunglasses were on my head- so I ended my trip through TSA with a pat down of my noggin’. The only thing they found were gray hairs, though.
Once on the concourse I used the time I had left wisely and toured the airport, doing what any millennial would do- eat. And let me tall ya, the chips and salsa at On the Border hit the spot. I also took a moment to get a scoop of icecream, because I’m extra. (Picture not included).
I spent a little more time chatting it up with a few other passengers, before making my way to gate 13. As I looked out the window.. there she was in all of her PINK glory. (Her name is Sandy, by the way) and she was gorgeous.
After scanning our tickets, we were carouseled down the jet bridge and onto the tarmac, where we climbed a few stairs into the cabin.
I had a small carry-on that I was traveling with. You will have the option of taking it on the plane, or you can ‘check-it’ at the gate if you don’t wish to carry it up the stairs. The above seat cargo space was large enough for carry-on luggage if you decided to keep it with you.
The new Silver ATR-600, which seats 47 passengers comfortably, still had the ‘new car’ smell. It’s furnished with medium-gray leather seats that (for my 5’1″ stature) are very roomy, and a lavatory at the back of the plane.
We took off with very few bumps and hit the skies. The 1 hour 50 minute plane ride was overall fairly smooth and quiet. I took the opportunity to play a card game on my phone while listening to a podcast. Silver does not have wifi available, so plan accordingly with pre-downloaded materials or bring a book to read.
The airline did provide complimentary cheez-its and a small water, probably to help ease the blow of not having wifi, while also trying to fill your time with mindless eating. For me, it totally worked- I love cheez-its. So, I sat back and watched the sunset from above the clouds.
Overall, the flight experience was great. Silver’s new plane did not disappoint us, and it surely won’t disappoint you. Are you thinking about flying to Orlando this summer? Check out Silver’s flights by clicking here.